Hoover High School has a lot to offer, and a major part of this is the career tech programs offered to students here. One of the most well-known programs is the construction program taught by Mr. Ashton Mckelley. Many students in each grade at Hoover are a part of the construction program, with there being three different levels to the program. Each level is currently working on different projects; level two is currently working on a model flooring plan, while level three is working on a mock viking ship to put at the entrance of the basketball court. This will not only be a cool and unique touch to the gym, but will show off the program’s talent. Construction is also working on a shed that will be shown and raffled off at the Canton Home and Garden Show. Students in this program have consistently enjoyed and performed well. Hoover gives students an interesting opportunity before they come to high school. In eighth grade, students are given a tour of all the career tech programs offered. This is how junior Hannah Lord got involved with the program.
“I got introduced to Hoover’s construction tech program in eighth grade, ” Lord said. “The middle school took us to the high school to tour the tech programs offered.”
While originally not being interested in the program she soon became involved once she learned more about the program and saw how fun it could be. When asked about the classroom and the hands-on learning that is involved, Lord explains the great job that Mckelley does to relate things to real life and get to see in-person work.
“Mr. Mckelley does an excellent job at trying to use real-life examples,” said Lord. “We have gone on field trips to see different construction businesses to meet people in the field. We have had different business owners pitch their businesses to us looking for employees, and for more people to learn about their business. Last year in level two when the softball fields were being built he brought us over there as much as possible to see first-hand building. Another example is the welding program being built right next door to us. My class will stop by and see the process of building it. ” Mckelly also does a great job of teaching his students how to use many tools that will be helpful in the industry and makes sure that they know how to properly and safely operate them.
“We have learned to use many tools with good safety practice from things like drills, Hammers, tape measures, speed squares, and ladders.” Lord said. “The more difficult tools we use include nail guns, circular saws, table saws, jigsaws and drill presses.”
This program not only offers some great professional experiences, it also offers students some interesting and unique opportunities for school and community projects, which Lord says are her favorite.

“My favorite projects have been the ones I have done in level three,” Lord said.. “We have made a Viking ship for the gym. We have built a bus stairs mock-up for disabled kids at the primary school to hear how to use the bus steps. These are my favorite projects because they help out the community and let us help out in some way.”
Personal growth is important in life and this program has given many the opportunity to do just that.
“The construction tech program has helped me improve so much as a person.” Lord said. “I’ve become way more extroverted.”
While she may love this program, it hasn’t come without its challenges, but Lord says that she’s been able to overcome them by just continuing to try.
“My biggest challenge in joining the construction tech program is learning to step out of my comfort zone and understand it’s okay to try new things and make mistakes.” Lord said. “I’ve overcome challenges by just trying, and keep trying till it’s right. Practice truly makes perfect.”
Lord would definitely recommend the program to others.
“I would 100% tell every student to join construction.” Lord said. “It’s a fun class and you get to learn skills you may need in life in the future. If students like the class they can continue it to levels two and three. Even if students aren’t sure they’re gonna like it they should at least try it because they may love it. I started off unsure about taking a construction class. Now it’s my favorite class.”