NCMS ELL Tutoring
The North Canton Middle School has recently implemented a new program for ELL (English Language Learner) students to help them better adjust to their new learning environment. Each student gets paired with a high school student to tutor them in a specific class or area that they are struggling in. These students all speak different languages, including Spanish and Portuguese, and are in the process of learning English or accommodating to their new schooling. Most of the tutors who have volunteered to help have previous knowledge of the language their student speaks, and while it was not a requirement, this skill has only added to the program tremendously. It makes the ELL students feel as though they have someone who understands them, making it that much easier to build a relationship with the student. Communicating with someone via Google Translate can cause confusion and ultimately prolong the process, making it more difficult for both the student and the teacher. This opportunity, however, has proved to the high school students that all of the time they have spent studying a second language has paid off and is valuable. This program has not only helped the ELL students accomplish their tasks and get the help they need more conveniently, but it also provides the high school students the chance to grow in their knowledge of the language. The best way to learn a second language and become fluent is to be immersed in it. These high school students have chosen to spend their time after school, multiple days a week, with middle schoolers who ultimately need assistance in regard to their learning. The high school students have proved to not only be great tutors but have also been encouraging and helpful. They have also begun building relationships with the students and mentoring them as they go through middle school. This program has not only enriched the learning environment of the English Language Learners, but it has also enhanced the education of the high school tutors by giving them a first-hand experience to use their knowledge to help others.

NCIS Spanish and Chess Club
The North Canton Intermediate School has proudly continued a previous club enrichment for 3rd-5th graders. Over the course of five weeks, these students have the opportunity to take part in an after-school club run by high school students and high school club advisors to partake in any of the offered activities. This year, the program has offered multiple options: Spanish Club, Chess Club or Lego Club, all taking place after school if the student’s parents wish to sign them up. Here, the students can be involved in an after-school activity where they meet friends, take part in activities, and have the opportunity to get to know high school students on a personal level. On Wednesdays, there are two groups for the Spanish Club, separated by age, meeting in different art rooms while the Chess Club meets in the cafeteria. On Thursdays, the Lego Club meets together in the art rooms to get creative build creations, and socialize. Hoover’s National Honors Society students and various Hoover Spanish students have taken on the task of organizing and attending the clubs weekly. Psychology and Race and Diversity teacher, Jim Draher, has spearheaded the Chess club portion of the enrichment program. He is the high school’s Chess Club advisor and has dedicated his time to teaching and playing against the intermediate students. These clubs have not only been a fun activity for the students, but they have also provided the high school students the opportunity to share their different passions with younger North Canton students.