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Alex Boske: 100th Wrestling Win

Alyssa Evans
Senior Alex Boske attempts to pin a fellow competitor as he participates in the Holiday Wresting Tournament hosted at Hoover Dec. 18-20

Wrestling is a sport that goes beyond the box score, from exhausting practices to irritating road trips, the winter season for wrestlers is mentally and physically straining. Being enforced to weigh in at a certain number, and maintain a diet can be a task. However, these challenges are greatly surpassed by success on the mat.
One student in particular has gone above and beyond in wrestling. Senior Alex Boske, a four year wrestler, has achieved 100 wins. Boske is not only captain of the wrestling team, but plays football, participates in Leadership Club, and is in Hoover’s business program. He claims this victory was not only exciting, but encouraged him to improve.
“Achieving 100 wins was the biggest milestone of my high school wrestling career,” he said. “The feeling of confidence I gained from it has helped me to become an even better wrestler.”
Hoover wrestling coach Mr. Nick Gamble has worked with Boske his whole high school career. Gamble is not only proud of him, but sees this as only the beginning of Boske’s accomplishments.
“Alex has been a four year starter for our team,” he said. “He has won a lot of very big matches throughout his career. It’s been a pleasure to watch him compete. This is just the first check mark on goals for his senior year. There are bigger goals ahead for him to reach.”
Teammate, junior, and three year wrestler Christian Friel has spent countless hours around Boske over the seasons. Friel said he has not only seen Boske grow, but lend a helping hand to his victories.
“Alex approaching being top three for all time wins in Hoover High School history is awesome knowing that I have helped him reach these goals and seen his progress over the years,” he said.
Although the wins may be exciting, the process to get there was grueling. From carefully watching what he ate, to lengthy practices, the journey was difficult. Boske describes the hard work he put in and how it furthered him.
“I’ve put in countless hours during the season and in the offseason on the wrestling mat doing everything I can to make myself the best wrestler I can be,” he said. “Having a good diet and mindset is how I can wrestle my best each week.”
Boske’s brains have helped him conquer opponents on the mat. Wrestling is not always about strength, and rather more about strategy. Coach Gamble discusses Boske’s strategies, and the triumph his methods have brought him.
“Alex found a style of wrestling that fits his body type and athleticism,” he said. “He learned to emphasize his strengths while at the same time limiting his deficiencies. His brain is one of his biggest reasons for success.”
Friel further explains Alex’s intelligence, and how his brains have earned him some wins. He was excited and proud as his teammate to see him make history on the mat.
“In the room, Boske is always trying to perfect his style of wrestling,” he said. “Alex is a great athlete but he uses his intellect to win a majority of his matches. Watching Alex get his 100th win at Findley was really exciting. He’s always been a stand out on the team but I feel like he’s never really gotten a chance to prove it until this year.”
Coach Gamble has seen Boske’s successes and defeats. He discusses the amount of outside work Boske put in to get to where he is now.
“Alex has done a lot of growth in both areas as he has gotten older,” he said. “He has sought out a lot of extra hours of practice outside the season. This extra work has helped provide him with more confidence.”
Wrestling has not only bright victory to Alex’s life through winning, but teaching him important life skills such as teamwork. Boske claims wrestling led him to brilliance outside of the gym.
“Wrestling has taught me the value of hard work, discipline, and the importance of being a team player,” he said. “This sport has helped me grow and has prepared me for life after sports, as it’s put me on a path to excellence.”
Boske further explains his love and passion for wrestling, adding wrestling has created lifelong friendships and memories. He also discusses his admiration for his coaches, and gratitude for their help.
“Wrestling was the best thing that I ever signed up for, the teammates I became friends with in youth are the friends that I am closest to today,” he said. “The coaches are nothing but helpful and do their best to make a challenging but fun experience for the athletes.”
Boske’s wins have not only benefited him, but motivated his teammates. Friel talks about how Boske is an outstanding role model who goes above and beyond to lead the team.
“Boske inspires me by thinking out of the box,” he said. “He’s not the most athletic guy in the world but the way he dictates every outcome to go his way is very impressive. I look up to Alex in that he’s always been the grade above me. He’s helped me with school work in his free time and he’s called me out when I’m doing something unlike
me. He’s a great teammate and leader.”
Without his parent’s dedication, Boske said he would not be where he is today. He gives tribute to their sacrifices and devotion to his sport.
“The commitment of my parents to the sport helped my success significantly, “ he said. “The camps they took me to in the summer, and the countless tournaments they drove me to greatly contributed to my success in high school.”
Coach Gamble gives his final words of advice for Boske, and any other students looking to pursue wrestling.
“My advice is to attack life like you do on the mat and the success will be there,” Gamble said.

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About the Contributors
Savannah Carroll
Savannah Carroll, Managing Editor
My name is Savannah, and I am thrilled for my fourth year on staff! I am a senior this year, and spend most of my time working at The Dairy Queen, playing softball, and listening to Taylor Swift. Let's make this year the best!
Alyssa Evans
Alyssa Evans, Social Media Manager
My name is Alyssa and this is my second year on staff! I am a junior this year and have been on the golf team for three years now.