Teens being financially responsible has become more important than ever. From earning money for gas, to saving up for retirement, financial responsibility has impacted everyone’s lives one way or another. Becoming financially responsible has been a goal for one of Hoover High School’s seniors. Brooklynn Gallentine claims that financial responsibility plays a role in her “day-to-day life.”
“I work two jobs in addition to extracurriculars and school,” she said. “I have a car to pay for and college to save up for so I have to be conscious of my spending every day.”
Not only are financial goals important for high school students, but also for families. Mr. Tim Detweiler, HHS history and summer financial literacy teacher, states his financial goals are always something he is working towards, especially with having three young children during a current time of inflation.
“I have savings goals that I haven’t fully reached,” he said. “To get there I need to continue to live within my means and operate on a budget.”
As a high school student, Gallentine has many goals and dreams for after high school. She hopes that with her hard work, eff ort, and dedication, that she is able to reach all of her fi nancial goals before retirement.
“My main goal is to get through college and get into a study job where I can start to pay off my student debt, while also still doing things that I want to in life, such as traveling,” she said. “Financial stability is a huge goal of mine, and to me this means to be able to support myself and loved ones without worry.”
Detweiler’s plan to make sure he and his family live financially free before retirement is by setting good habits and making sure he lives according to his “personal budget.”
“Good and bad habits are learned during teen years that can have an impact into adulthood,” he said. “If teens are able to save money and build savings this can give them a head start.”
Building healthy habits is also important to Gallentine, who believes it is important to start forming at a young age. As she knows she wants to get a college degree, she is already prepared for the student loans.
“I’m planning on going into nursing, which requires going to college, which is expensive,” Gallentine said. “This will require loan payments, which I planned to budget into my day-to-day expenses when I’m older.”
Self discipline plays an important role in financial responsibility. Detweiler believes that many people today buy off of impulse, which leads to consequences.
“Financial responsibility means living within your means, living off a budget, and making financial decisions after thought has gone into that decision,” Detweiler said.
Although there may be many people who do buy off of impulse, Gallentine isn’t one of them, having to be financially responsible since she was a freshman.
“I bought my own car, paid for my own insurance, and gas,” she said. “Working, on top of school, is what has pushed me to be able to afford these things comfortably and still have fun with my friends.”
In order to achieve financial freedom, Detweiler believes that teenagers should “make a budget and start planning for after high school,” by putting away money into a savings account.
“Avoid credit cards and falling into debt,” he said.
Gallentine has already started planning for the future by having a job, and putting away money into savings. She believes that her jobs help her feel like she is making an impact and gives her “a drive to do well in school and work.”
“The main way I accomplish staying on top of school is just by budgeting my time,” she said. “I have several schedules that keep me on track so I know what I’m doing all week, so I know when I have time to study.”
Detweiler made an impact through teaching Financial Literacy class over the summer.
“I think the big takeaway from this class was making a budget, not using credit cards, and trying as much as possible to stay out of debt,” he said.
The Viking Views spoke with the Guidance Department in the spring regarding the course, which is required sophomore year.
“[Financial Literacy] focuses on these main topics: Financial responsibility and decision making; planning and money management; informed consumer; investing; credit and debt; and risk management and insurance,” they told The Viking Views in April.
The Guidance Office stated although not everyone will like the newly-mandated class, it will help everyone in some way, through their knowledge of finance.
“Public education is designed to create informed citizens who can make responsible and intelligent decisions,” the department said. “Public education and the course requirements for our students are important facets in our society and democracy.”
As one of Detweiler’s financial literacy students, Gallentine has made it her plan to stay financially responsible by “working hard at work and staying organized.”
“For me, organization, especially with my time is what I attribute to being financially responsible up to this point,” she said.
Detweiler understands that its “hard for students to make decisions with their future in mind,” but believes that if students start making financially responsible decisions, that they would be set up for success.
“Teens are the future of our economy and can be vital members to contribute economically,” Detweiler said.